Central Depoistory Limited
Central Depository Services Limited is a Market Infrastructure Institution (MII), part of the capital market structure, providing services to all market participants – exchanges, clearing corporations, depository participants (DPs), issuers and investors. It is a facilitator for holding of securities in the dematerialised form and an enabler for securities transactions.
The company facilitates holding and transacting in securities in the electronic form and facilitates settlement of trades executed on stock exchanges. These securities include equities, debentures, bonds, units of mutual funds, Certificates of deposit (CDs), commercial papers (CPs), Treasury Bills (TBills), and others.
Services include – e-Voting, M-Voting, Myeasi Mobile App and e-Locker.
Shareholding Pattern

- Public Group
- Promoter Group
Financial Summary
Particulars | March 2023 | March 2022 | March 2021 |
Sales | 555 | 551 | 344 |
Sales Growth % | 0.68% | 60.40% | 60.21% |
Operating Profit | 319 | 365 | 212 |
OPM % | 57% | 66% | 62% |
Profit before tax | 365 | 409 | 260 |
YOY Growth | – | 7% | 7% |
EPS in Rs | 26.41 | 29.78 | 19.17 |
Synopsis of Financials
- Sales has increased due to increase in Annual isuuer charges.
- Moreover, user facility charges and settlement has also increased.
- Profit of the company has grown majorly due to foreign investment limit monitoring charges.
Final Outlook
The stock has been in a declining trend since the beginning of 2022. Based on this trend alone, it would be risky to buy the stock. However, there are a number of other factors that you should consider before making an investment decision.
Fundamental analysis: This involves looking at the company’s financial statements, such as its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. This can give you an idea of the company’s financial health and its prospects for future growth. And according to that company financial this quater is Q2 FY ’24 total income increased by 35% to INR 230 crore, Q2 FY ’24 net profit increased by 35% to INR 109 crores, Market capitalization increased by 8% to INR 319 lakh croree.
CDSL is more well-known than NSDL because of its reduced charges, which prompted new brokers to register with CSDL. Moreover, CDSL has acheived a significan milestone this year by becoming the first listed depository to register more than 10-crore demat accounts.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional financial, investment, or legal advice.The user assumes all risks associated with their use of the information.