Mahindra Finance, a conglomerate with a Sri Lankan company Ideal Finance Limited is a Non-banking Finance Company with a major focus on the rural and semi-urban areas. The board of directors proposed a dividend of Rs. 0.80 per share on the equity share of face value Rs. 2 per share subject to the approval of 40% of the members of the company concerning the forthcoming annual meeting.
The shareholding pattern of Mahindra Finance is as follows: Promoters with 52.16%, public with 10.62%, foreign institutional investors with 20.17%, domestic institutional investors with 16.76% and others with 0.29%.
Mahindra Finance reported a decline in the net profit of Rs. 219 Cr which accounts for 8% for the quarter ended on 31st March 2021 and a marginal decline of Rs. 3,038 Cr at the end of this quarter against Rs. 3,140 Cr reported for Q4 2020. Also, Mahindra finance showed a decline in the assets by 4.65% as compared to the previous year.