Incorporated in 1999, HDFC Asset Management Company Limited provides Fund Management Services. HDFC Trustee Company Limited appointed HDFC AMC as investment manager of HDFC Mutual Fund. Company is also registered under the SEBI to provide Portfolio Management Services.In FY 24, the company expanded by opening 26 new branches in India. HDFC Asset Management Company has 50 branches in North zone, 81 in West, 60 in East and 62 in south. Out of these, 80 branches are in the top 30 locations while 174 are outside the top 30 cities in India with a few representative offices located in Dubai. 70% of AUM comes under individual investors while the rest comes under Institutions.
Product Category
- a) Diversified Equity
- b) Index
- c) Thematic/ Sectorial Equity
- d) Equity Linked Savings Scheme
- e) Hybrid
- f) Solution Oriented
- g) Theme Based Debt
- h) Duration Based Debt
- i) ETF and Fund of Funds
Shareholding Pattern

Financial Summary
Particulars | March 2024 | March 2023 | March 2022 |
Sales | 3,159 | 2,478 | 2,429 |
Sales Growth % | 27.46% | 2.04% | 10.70% |
Expenses | 623 | 549 | 515 |
Operating Profit | 2,536 | 1,929 | 1,913 |
OPM % | 80% | 78% | 79% |
Net Profit | 1,946 | 1,424 | 1,393 |
EPS in Rs | 91.15 | 66.72 | 65.32 |
Synopsis of Financials
- Added 1.1 million unique investors in the quarter.
- Total income is INR 9,483 million, with revenue from operations increasing by 35% Y-o-Y.
- Operating profit grew by 40% Y-o-Y.
- PAT at INR 6,039 million, a growth of 26% Y-o-Y.
Final Outlook
The management has laid emphasis on diversified investment, performance excellence, customer centricity, investor eductaion, distribution, corporate governance and risk management, talent management and ESG integration for FY 24.
•Major fund houses like Motilal Oswal, JM Finnacial etc have displayed a positive outlook on the stock based on strong fundamentals, growth in business and increase in market share.
•The stock has also displayed significant growth in the last 1 year with a price growth of 64%.
•Due to its fundamental strength and business growth complemented by a bullish signal on the price chart, investors are recommended to BUY the stock with a potential upside of 10-12% based on the current price, i.e. INR 4,165.