LIC Housing Finance (LIC HFL) is one of the largest Housing Finance Mortgage Loan companies in India . It is registered and has Corporate Office at Mumbai. LIC HFL is a subsidiary company of Life Insurance Corporation of India. The company was founded on 19 June , 1989 i.e. 32 years ago.
The vision statement of LIC HFL is to be the best Housing Finance Company in the country and the mission of the company is to provide secured housing finance at affordable cost , maximizing shareholders value with higher customer sensitivity. The main objective of the company is to provide long term financing to individuals for the purchase or construction of houses or flats for residential purposes , repair , renovation of existing flats and houses .
The wide range of products offered by the company comprises of : loans against rental securitization ,loans against property for individuals , loans against non retail loans , loans against securities , loans to professionals , home loans to residents and non- resident Indians , home loans to pensioners and others.
The company’s CSR policies include promotion of health care , enhancing education , livelihood enhancement , sustainable living , rural /slum area development , social change and inclusion , Infrastructure development Disaster management , promotion of National heritage , arts , culture , sports , Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and other funds mentioned in the schedule V11 of the Company’s Act 2013.
Their shareholding pattern consists of Promoters and Promoters Group having 40.31% of shares , FII’s having 28.80% shares , Public having 15.32% shares and DII’s having 15.57% shares.