Biocon Limited is an Indian biopharmaceutical company. It is based in Bangalore, India. The company was founded by Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. The company manufactures generic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that are sold in over 120 countries across the globe including the developed markets of the United States and Europe.
Biocon’s formulations for the Indian market include metabolics, oncology, immunotherapy and nephrology products. It also manufactures novel biologics, as well as, biosimilar insulins and antibodies, which are sold in India as branded formulations. Biocon’s biosimilar products are also sold in both bulk and formulation forms in several emerging markets.
Biocon aims to achieve health equity. They are committed to providing everyone, everywhere, affordable access to a speciality portfolio of medicines. They are steadfastly investing in developing novel therapies for diabetes, oncology and immunology. They are also strengthening their global reach and economies of scale. Their vision is to enhance global healthcare through innovative and affordable biopharmaceuticals for patients, partners and healthcare systems across the globe.
Biocon Foundation is committed to improving lives and empowering the underserved communities for a better tomorrow. The Foundation’s fundamental purpose is to make a positive and lasting impact on the health and education of these communities, to inspire the development of a knowledge-based sustainable society. The Foundation conducts interventions in four key areas: Healthcare, Education, Environmental Sustainability and Rural Development.
COVID-19 Response: The Company repurposed an in-market novel biologic drug, Itolizumab, to treat COVID-19 patients. 27,000+ patients benefited from the drug. It offered a comprehensive portfolio of products for COVID-19 patients. An ELISA antibody testing kit developed by Syngene enabled efficient, reliable and scalable testing. Several novel, high-affinity monoclonal antibody assets developed by Syngene to combat SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Their shareholding pattern consists of Promoters and Promoter Group having 60.64% of shares, Public having 15.02% shares, following by FII’s having 15.91% shares and DII’s with 7.52% shares, Non Promoters – Non Public having 0.91%.