National Aluminium Company Limited
National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), is a government owned company having integrated and diversified operations in mining, metal, and power under the ownership of Ministry of Mines, Government of India. Government of India holds a 51.5% equity in NALCO.It is one of the largest integrated Bauxite-Alumina-Aluminium-Power Complex in the country encompassing bauxite mining, alumina refining, aluminium smelting and casting, power generation, rail, and port operations.The Company is the lowest-cost producer of metallurgical grade alumina in the World and lowest-cost producer of Bauxite in the world as per Wood McKenzie report.NALCO has developed four mobile apps for better functioning: Nisarg – Nalco initiatives for social awareness and responsible growth, Naginaa – Nalco grahak information and networking app for all, Namasya – Nalco micro and small enterprise yogayog application, Hamesha Nalconian – app for the retired employees of NALCO.As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company is harnessing renewable energy aligning to the ambitious programmes of Govt. of India. The Company has already commissioned 198 MW wind power plants and further 50 MW wind power plants are in pipeline, making it the highest producer of renewable energy among PSUs.For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 2874.47 Crore, up 19.03% from last quarter Total Income of Rs 2414.95 Crore and up 40.74% from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 2042.27 Crore. Company has reported net profit after tax of Rs 935.74 Crore in latest quarter. The result of is NALCO exhilarating.