JSW Energy Ltd
JSW Energy Ltd belonging to the JSW Group is one of the leading power generation companies in India. The Company was originally incorporated as Jindal Tractebel Power Company Limited on March 10, 1994, as a joint venture between JSW Steel Limited and Tractebel, S.A., Belgium. In 2002, Tractebel, S.A., Belgium sold their holding to JSW Group after which the name was changed to JSW Energy. JSW Energy has established its presence across the value chain of the power sector with diversified assets in power generation, transmission, and trading. The company currently generate 4,559 MW, out of which 3158 MW is thermal power,1391 MW is hydropower and 10 MW solar power. JSW Energy is present across several Indian states and have stakes in natural resource companies in South Africa. As part of its vision to become a full-spectrum power company, JSW Energy launched JSW Power Trading Company Ltd. (JSWPTC) in 2006. Today, it is one of the leading power trading companies in India.
As a responsible corporate citizen, JSW Group has donated Rs 100 Crore in PM Cares Fund. JSW Group also provided 610 Tons of Medical Oxygen daily to be distributed to medical facilities across the country. The company has earmarked funds to source and import all the necessary equipment for the covid-19 relief work. JSW Energy has spent Rs 16.75 Crore in CSR Activities. The CSR fund was allocated for contribution towards social development and enhanced community involvement, for help to create employment, introduce, and expand education and skills development programmes, provide, and promote community health services and initiatives, and preserve local culture and arts.
Their shareholding pattern include Promoters having 74.68% shares, FIIs having 5.55% shares, DIIs having 7.17% shares, Public having 12.57% and others having 0.03% shares.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 1614.09 Crore, down 2.72% from last quarter Total Income of Rs 1659.26 Crore and down 14.10% from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 1847.65 Crore. Company has reported net profit after tax of Rs 104.75 Crore in latest quarter. The Board of Directors recommended declaration of dividend of Rs.2 per Equity Share of Rs.10 for the financial year 2020-2021.
The result of JSW Energy is competent.