NTPC Limited
NTPC Limited, formerly known as National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, is an Indian government electricity board engaged in the business of generation of electricity and allied activities. It is a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and is under the ownership of Ministry of Power, GOI. The headquarters of the company is situated at New Delhi. NTPC’s core business is the generation and sale of electricity to state-owned power distribution companies and State Electricity Boards in INDIA. NTPC became a Maharatna company in May 2010. As of January 2020, there are 10 Maharatnas CPSEs in India. NTPC is ranked No. 2 Independent Power Producer in Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company rankings.
The total installed capacity of the company is 65,810 MW (including JVs) own stations include 24 coal based, 7 gas based, 1 Hydro 1 Wind 13 Solar and 1 Small hydro plant. Under JV, NTPC has 9 coal based, 4 gas based and 13 renewable energy projects. The capacity will have a diversified fuel mix and by 2032, non-fossil fuel-based generation capacity shall make up nearly 30% of NTPC’s portfolio. NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. As on 31.03.2020 the company had 16.78% of the total national capacity and, it contributes 20.96% of total power generation due to its focus on high efficiency.
As a responsible corporate citizen, NTPC has stepped up its vigil against the global pandemic of COVID-19 by contributing Rs 250 crores to PM CARES fund to strengthen the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19. NTPC is providing financial support of Rs 6.36 Crore to district administration/local authorities to deal with this pandemic, for arranging medical support, and distribution of PPEs, food packets during Covid-19. Further 1200 PPE kits, 1,20,000 surgical masks and over 33,000 gloves, 5000 aprons, 8000 shoe covers and 535 litres of sanitizers have been dispatched to all the project and stations.
Their shareholding pattern include: Promoters having 51.10% shares, FIIs having 11.94% shares, DIIs having 33.93% shares, Public having 2.89% shares and Government having 0.14% shares.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 31687.24 Crore, up 11.62% from last quarter Total Income of Rs 28387.27 Crore and up 1.13% from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 31330.25 Crore. Company has reported net loss after tax of Rs 4649.49 Crore in latest quarter. The Board of Directors decided to recommend a Final Dividend of Rs 3.15 per equity share for the financial year 2020-21.