Gas Authority of India Limited
Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL) is a government owned natural gas corporation responsible for natural gas processing and distribution in India with headquarters in New Delhi. It is under the ownership of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
GAIL is the leading natural gas company with diversified interests across the natural gas value chain of trading, transmission, LPG production & transmission, LNG re-gasification, petrochemicals, city gas, E&P, etc. It owns and operates a network of around 13,340 km of natural gas pipelines spread across the length and breadth of country. It commands 70% market share in gas transmission and has a Gas trading share of over 50% in India. GAIL has significantly large portfolio and is also expanding its presence in renewable energy like Solar, Wind and Biofuel.
Gail has 5 subsidiaries, GAIL Gas Limited, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL), GAIL Global (Singapore) Pte Limited, GAIL Global (USA) Inc, GAIL Global (USA) LNG LLC. And ha 13 joint ventures.
On 10th February 2021, GAIL acquired 5% stake in Indian Gas Exchange.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 16,204.69 Crore, up by 1.91% from last quarter Total Income of Rs 15,899.85 Crore and down by 16.60% from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 18,893.64 Crore. Company has reported net profit of Rs 2534.64 Crore in latest quarter.
The result of Q4 were exhilarating.