Bandhan Bank was founded on August 23, 2015, with a wide range of products for customers from all walks of life. The aim of the organisation as it evolved from an NGO to an NBFC and then to a universal bank has remained the same: to reach out to the unbanked and underbanked, and to provide last-mile banking to all, big or small.
Bandhan Bank is based on the customercentric philosophy, with a strong emphasis
on people, operation, and technology.
They had no choice but to take out high-interest loans from conventional moneylenders to expand their business. His strong desire to assist them contributed to the founding of Bandhan, a microfinance organization that provides loans – and hope – to the poorest of the poor. Soon after, Bandhan made history by being the first bank in the country to represent all socioeconomic groups. Bandhan has grown significantly in recent years, but its mission remains the same.
The shareholding pattern of Bandhan Bank is as follows, Promoters 39.99%, Foreign Institutional Investors with 34.91 %, Domestic Institutional investors at 1.91% and Public holdings stands at 23.19% of the total shareholdings.
As per the quarter four results of FY2020-21 the Bank’s PBT went down significantly to Rs. 135 Cr. as compared to 845.35 Cr in the last quarter. The NPA ratios increased to 6.81 and 3.51 against 1.48 and 0.58 last year in Gross NPA and Net NPA respectively. The Operating cashflow for the firm ended up on the negative side this year. The EPS fell drastically to just 0.64 comparing with 3.92 last quarter and 3.21 in same quarter last year. CASA% increased to 43.4% this year as compared to 36.8 last year. Assets of bank saw a significant rise of 25% this year.
Quarter 4 2021, The result of Badhan bank showed an overall decline in this quarter.